Dom Sagolla es el Co-Fundador de Twitter, la red social que ha transformado la manera en que nos comunicamos.

Areas de Experiencia:
Nuevas Tecnologías
Dom Sagolla is co-creator of Twitter and author of the groundbreaking 140 Characters: a Style Guide for the Short Form, the first writing style guide specifically dedicated to communicating with the succinctness and clarity that the Internet age requires. Dom is the founder of DollarApp, a firm which develops applications for iPhone, and also co-founder and host of iPhoneDevCamp, an international, not-for-profit developer community.
A software engineer in Silicon Valley during the dot-com boom, Dom Sagolla has been in research and development at HP Laboratories, the MIT Media Lab, and Adobe Systems. Dom Sagolla helped build Macromedia Studio, Odeo Studio, the original Twitter, Adobe Creative Suite, and now produces iPhone apps with his company DollarApp in San Francisco. His successes include the official Obama ‘08 iPhone App, as well as two iTunes Staff Favorites: Big Words and Math Cards. The advent of Twitter and other social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, as well as the popularity of text messaging, have made short-form communication an everyday reality. But expressing yourself clearly in short bursts—particularly in the 140-character limit of Twitter—takes special writing skill. Dom’s book, 140 Characters: a Style Guide for the Short Form, deals with the deluge of information in social media, and how to command an audience using one’s unique voice. 140 Characters does for Twitter and other short forms, such as text messaging, email, and status updates, what Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style did for good writing via lessons in grammar and composition.