Reon Schutte es un inspirador orador que comparte su experiencia de ser prisionero de guerra por 13 años en Zimbabwe, cautivando a la audiencia con su increíble historia de supervivencia y superación de obstáculos inconcebibles.

Areas de Experiencia:
An elite South African Special Forces soldier, Reon Schutte was captured in 1992 and spent nearly 13 years as a prisoner of war in Zimbabwe?s infamously brutal Chikurubi prison. There he came to understand universal truths that allowed him to be free, even while imprisoned. While incarcerated, Reon subsisted on a half cup of rice and cabbage leaves a day, endured inhumane conditions and daily beatings …and learned forgiveness, tolerance, acceptance of circumstances and the ability to reprogram his mind for ultimate freedom. The key, Reon discovered, is choice, a powerful tool to which every human has access at every moment and that is our ticket to freedom, regardless of the situation. “We may not be able to choose our circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond,” he says.
Reon Schutte journey demonstrates the ability of the human will to overcome adversity and of the human soul to use trying circumstances for transformation. Reon stands as an example of the potential in all human beings, while his extreme experience puts into perspective our own daily struggles. As he tells his story, Reon shares the truths he came to understand, inviting his audience members to apply them to their own lives. He awakens the inner wisdom in all of us, demonstrating that, although we may feel trapped, imprisoned or that “there is no choice,” in some area of our life, in fact, we are never without options and there is nothing we cannot overcome, if we adopt the right perspective. Reon shows us there?s always a way through, even when there?s no way out.