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Jueves, 19 Mayo 2016 21:19

Smart Speakers interview with Nathan Schulhof, "The Inventor of The MP3 Player", about his new book Destacado

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Nathan Schulhof

Prolific entrepreneur of the Digital Era, Inventor of the MP3 player that revolutionized the music industry, a confident of great minds of our era like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Steve Wozniak and international speaker.

His phrase "failure is not an option when you know you're right" made him to pursue his dream of having a way of listening to music digitally and not having to buy a CD to hear your music, even though he had salaries to pay, debts and contracts among other things, after 8 years it became a reality.

Even though he had his first MP3 player and a huge success in his hands he didn't stop working.

In 2004 at a CES conference he started to feel sick and had to be hospitalized. After 16 months where he lost his memories and mobility on almost all he's body, he returned 8 years later to keep innovating and giving us technology to our lives.

In 2010 he co- founded a new company in which he works closely with young people trying to develop new ways of obtaining energy.

Mr. Schulhof is a person in which we can learn the value of life and hard work, not giving up on yourself and knowing that you can be the one who can change the world.

His new book "Father of the MP3: Lessons in Business and Life From a Visionary Entrepreneur” will be realeased on June 15th

Interview with Nathan Schulhof about his new book:

Please tell me what's the main idea of your book, what do you want the people to feel or think?

“Father of the MP3 Player, Lessons for Creating an Extraordinary Life From a Visionary Entrepreneur”, is a story of Nathan Schulhof and the many experiences that led him to changing the world through disruptive technology. From his dealings with Steve Jobs and Apple and Bill Gates and Microsoft to doing an IPO and starting and selling multimillion dollar companies. Included are some of the many lessons from the extreme ups and downs that life and business have to offer.

What made you write this book, does it involve any personal experience?

I have been involved with the infancy of the personal computer industry evolving from 1980 to today. Through that evolution I have seen significant growth in chip power, storage and broadband allowing for consumer products to utilize these discoveries in a broad range of consumer products. In my tenure I have built consumer companies that have changed the way we live.

I really wanted to write my book to share some valuable lessons in business and life through my real life entrepreneurial stories.

What's the message or main idea that you would like to transmit to the person reading your book?

The main thing I want to convey is that in order to make a difference in life, you need to be disruptive. In other words, you need to look at life from a place of wonder and think outside of the current parameters. That is where the future lies. We need bold, risk-taking people with vision to step forward and persist to create a whole new world.

Why do you think people must read your book?

People today are being told many things. Until I experienced what it was like to create a product that no one had ever done, and raised millions of dollars to make happen, I didn’t know how to do it. I could have done it easier if I had someone before me to blaze a trail. I have blazed many trails and that is why today’s prospective entrepreneurs need to read this book. It will save them time, money and headaches.

What are you trying to tell them?

I want to encourage the readers to be creative. To be bold. To be visionaries. I want them to stretch their imaginations and to find supportive people to do it with them. That is how this world is going to improve. We need people to be disruptive.

Can you share with us 3 lessons to have an extraordinary life? What makes a person great or extraordinary and what can we do to achieve that goal in life.

You have to have passion to make things happen in your life. You need to overcome the obstacle, and naysayers that will inevitably pop up in your life. If someone saying no stops you, then you need to up your passion.

Under project and over achieve. When you are working with people, you need to take the unknown into consideration. So you need to under promise what you can make happen, and then find a way to deliver more than that.

Believe in yourself. This is a key to making things happen. You need to believe in yourself first. If you don’t know one else will. When you are selling your idea, your product, your company, you are really selling you. You need to be believable, and that all begins with you believing in you.

Nathan Schulhof
"The Inventor of The MP3 Player"
International Speaker

Visto 3863 veces


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